Grand Ridge Art Docent Program 

The Grand Ridge Elementary Art Docent Program is a volunteer-led program designed to bring art enrichment into our classrooms funded by our PTSA. The Program exposes our students to a wide variety of artists, techniques, cultures, and history through hands-on art making. Having an art background is not required to be an Art Docent! 


While the Issaquah School District is working toward providing some classroom art instruction to elementary students in the future, the PTSA and many dedicated volunteers have stepped in to ensure the students at Grand Ridge have a robust and developmentally appropriate monthly art curriculum. The program provides lesson plans and supplies for our Art Docent volunteers and is one of the most rewarding ways to work directly with students.


Students are also encouraged to create art for the annual Reflections art contest each fall. 


Interested in helping with Art in the 2024-2025 School Year? Contact PTSA Art Director Stephanie White   





Monthly Lessons Available Here!

Click the link below:









Our Mission & Goals

To create and foster opportunities that enrich and support our children, school, and community.

Click here to see our goals for this year.

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Grand Ridge Resources (Angel Program) - this program provides resources for GR students in need

Voter Information

New to voting in WA? Need up update your registration information? Have questions on where to return your ballot? Need to learn more about candidates and measures on the ballot? Visit the King County Elections page to learn all this and more! 


Interested in learning more about Levies & Bonds? Click below!

Image number 1 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 2 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 3 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 4 in a rotating selection of images.

Upcoming Events

All PTSA events are subject to COVID-19 guidelines and ISD approvals.  Check back here for the latest information near the event date.  

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