2024-2025 Grand Ridge PTSA - Board of Directors


The 2024/25 PTSA does not currently have an elected Board President. En lieu of this position being filled, the Executive Board Members who have been elected by the PTSA General Membership are each taking on the roles and responsibilities of the President. 



Elizabeth Parker & Erin Stevens Michael - Co-Vice Presidents*



Garth Higgins - Treasurer*


 Garth is the father of two boys in 4th and 6th grade. His family has lived in Issaquah Highlands since 2018. This is Garth's third term as PTSA Vice President. 



Melynda Cook - Secretary* 

Melynda Cook has been a Highlands resident for the past 20 years.  She has a fifth grader at Grand Ridge, a 9th grader at PCMS, a Senior at IHS and one in college. This is Melynda's second year as PTSA Treasurer and her sixth year serving on the PTSA board. 


Elizabeth Parker - Director of Communications


Elizabeth has been an Issaquah Highlands resident for the past sixteen years and is serving her third term as Director of Communications for the Grand Ridge PTSA. Her daughter, Lauren, is a second grader.



Erin Michael - Director of Events



  Erin has lived with her family in the Highlands for 20 years and has three kids in the Issaquah School District: Clara at IHS, Janie at PCMS, and Callen, a 4th grader at Grand Ridge. This is her 8th year on the Grand Ridge PTSA Board serving her second year as Events Director.  



Stephanie White - Art Program Director




Andreia Rafael - Volunteer Director



Andreia has two daughters, with one just starting kindergarten at Grand Ridge!

This is her first year serving on the PTSA Board. 



Emily Lawrence - Membership Director

 Emily has two children, with one just starting kindergarten at Grand Ridge!

This is her first year serving on the PTSA Board.



*These positions make up the Executive Committee and are elected each Spring for the following school year. Qualified candidates enjoy working with people, are fair and objective, and have a passion for improving the lives of our students at Grand Ridge. Previous leadership experience is not required, and training will be provided. In order to be eligible for election, candidates must have been a PTSA member for at least 15 days prior to being elected.


Open Board Positions


Fundraising Director

Advocacy Director 

Outreach Director


Are you interested in open board positions? Contact us!


Our Mission & Goals

To create and foster opportunities that enrich and support our children, school, and community.

Click here to see our goals for this year.

Stay Connected



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Grand Ridge Resources (Angel Program) - this program provides resources for GR students in need

Voter Information

New to voting in WA? Need up update your registration information? Have questions on where to return your ballot? Need to learn more about candidates and measures on the ballot? Visit the King County Elections page to learn all this and more! 


Interested in learning more about Levies & Bonds? Click below!

Image number 1 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 2 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 3 in a rotating selection of images.
Image number 4 in a rotating selection of images.

Upcoming Events

All PTSA events are subject to COVID-19 guidelines and ISD approvals.  Check back here for the latest information near the event date.  

Full Calendar

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